20 things you need to know about beauty 1

20 Things You Need To Know About Beauty

Hello lovelies!

Did you know that understanding beauty goes beyond just surface-level aesthetics? Here are 20 things you need to know about beauty!

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Cultural, psychological, and social perceptions of Beauty In Our Society


20 things you need to know about beauty 1

Actually, iIt’s fascinating how psychology and neuroscience play huge roles in shaping our perception of beauty. Ever wondered why we find certain faces more attractive?

It’s often about symmetry and how our brains are wired to recognize it. Indeed, this attraction to symmetry is believed to be linked to evolutionary aspects. People often perceive symmetrical faces as healthier and more genetically fit, which was vital back in the day for survival and reproduction.

Moreover, cultural influences can’t be ignored either. Indeed, beauty standards vary wildly from one part of the world to another. And they are constantly evolving!

For instance, while a tan might be seen as attractive in one culture, fair skin is prized in another. These cultural norms shape our individual standards, thanks to the exposure we get from media, tradition, and social interactions. It’s a vivid reminder that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

Finally, the way we perceive beauty also impacts our social interactions and self-confidence. There’s a reason people often feel better when they look good. Indeed, when we’re comfortable with our appearance, it can boost our confidence.

And in turn, it positively affects how we interact with others. It’s not just about vanity – feeling good about how we look can make us happier and more socially engaged.

Skincare: The Foundation of Beauty


20 things you need to know about beauty 2

Know Your Skin Type

A good skincare routine is like the secret weapon for maintaining that fresh, glowing look. But here’s the kicker – it’s got to be just right for your skin type. Knowing whether your skin is oily, dry, combination, or sensitive is the first step. If you get that nailed down, you’ll be halfway there!

Don’t Overdo It!

However, a bunch of people mess up by overdoing it. Think less is more. Over-exfoliating, using too many products, or constantly switching up your routine can do more harm than good. I advise you to stick to a few tried-and-true products. Then, give them time to work their magic.

Master The Ingredients Your Skin Needs

Also, certain ingredients are game-changers. For dry skin, look for hyaluronic acid and ceramides. Got oily skin? Salicylic acid and niacinamide can be your besties. Sensitive skin folks should gravitate toward calming ingredients like aloe vera and chamomile.

Know Your Skincare Basics

Also, don’t forget the basics: cleanse, tone, moisturize, and sunscreen. Indeed, sunscreen is your ultimate anti-aging product, believe me. Daily protection from those UV rays prevents everything from dark spots to fine lines.

And remember, your skin’s needs can change. Seasonal changes, your age, and your lifestyle tweaks mean you should reevaluate your routine every now and then. It’s not a one-size-fits-all deal.

Makeup: Enhancing Your Natural Beauty


20 things you need to know about beauty 3

Know Your Makeup Essentials

Makeup can do wonders when it comes to emphasizing your best features. But here’s the thing: it’s not about masking who you are. Rather; it’s about celebrating who you are and your unique beauty.

If you’re a beginner, start with your makeup essentials: a good foundation, concealer, blush, mascara, and a couple of lip products. These basics can help you achieve a polished look without overwhelming you.

Understand Your Face Shape

When you understand your face shape, this can guide you in applying your makeup more effectively. Got a round face? Contouring and highlighting can add definition. On the contrary, if you have an angular face, softer techniques can help balance things out. The idea is to enhance your best features, not to conceal them.

Know Some Makeup Techniques

Also, learning a few makeup techniques can make a huge difference. Ever tried a cat-eye or smokey eye look? A little practice with eyeliner and eyeshadow can help you master these classic styles. Moreover, brushes play a big role too. Indeed, the right tools can make application smoother and the finish more professional.

I recommend Bobbi Brown’s Makeup Manual if you want to learn more about makeup techniques.

Don’t Keep Up with the Joneses!

Keeping up with trends can be fun, but don’t feel pressured to follow every single one. For instance, trends like bold brows and glossy lips come and go. Personally, I love a bold lip; and I have never really followed the nude trend for black women.

Consequently, pick elements that suit your style and experiment within your comfort zone. Makeup is supposed to be fun, not a chore!

Finally, removing makeup properly is just as crucial. Please don’t go to bed with your makeup! I insist because leftover makeup can clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

I advise you use a good makeup remover; or try the double cleansing technique. Then, follow by your regular skincare routine to keep your skin happy and healthy.

Are you interested in the double cleaning technique? Then, I advise you start by removing makeup with an oil such as coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil.

However, you can use a commercial cleansing oil like Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Skin Therapy Cleansing Facial Oil. Then, use your usual cleansing gel or balm suiting your skin needs.

Hair Care: Tips for Healthy, Beautiful Hair


20 things you need to know about beauty 4

Select Products Adapted For Your Hair

Choosing the right hair products can feel like a maze. Your shampoo and conditioner should match your hair type and texture – whether it’s oily, dry, curly, or straight. If your hair is colored, look for products designed to protect those vibrant shades.

Be Careful With Your Styling Habits

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to hair damage. For instance, heat styling tools can do a number on your locks, so always use a heat protectant spray.

Also, try to limit the use of these tools and opt for air-drying whenever possible. Regular trims are essential too – they keep your ends looking fresh and prevent breakage.

In addition, styling your hair should be fun, not stressful. Find styles that work with your natural texture instead of against it. And here, I want to talk to my fellow curly-haired folks. Embrace your curls, despite what the society tells you!

To my straight-haired friends, I invite you to work that sleek look! And finally everyone: don’t shy away from experimenting with accessories like clips and bands to switch things up. Life is too short to not have fun with your hair!

Take Care of Your Scalp Health

Did you know that scalp care is just as important as hair care? Indeed, a healthy scalp is the foundation for good hair days. For instance, look for scalp treatments that can help with issues like dandruff or itchiness. Regular, gentle scalp massages can boost blood circulation and promote hair growth.

Don’t Forget To Moisturize Your Hair!

Nobody wants dull, lifeless hair. Maintaining that shine usually comes down to moisture. Weekly deep conditioning treatments can make a huge difference. Also, natural oils, like argan oil or coconut oil are fantastic for adding moisture and shine.

The Role of Nutrition and Hydration in Beauty


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Beauty starts from within, and what you put into your body directly affects your skin, hair, and nails. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can give you that natural glow and keep your hair and nails strong.

Choose The Right Foods For Your Skin

Certain foods are beauty powerhouses. For instance, leafy greens, berries, and nuts are packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals and keep your skin looking youthful. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and flaxseeds can help keep your skin hydrated and supple.

Stay Hydrated

Also, hydration plays a massive role in your skin health. Indeed, drinking enough water helps flush out toxins, keeping your skin clear and radiant. On the other hand, dehydrated skin looks dull and can make fine lines more prominent. If plain water doesn’t excite you, infusing it with fruits or herbs can make hydrating more enjoyable. Or you can add some cranberry juice in your water like me!

Stay Away From Harmful Dietary Habits

Beware of dietary habits that can harm your beauty game. For instance, high sugar intake can lead to breakouts and premature aging. Also, processed foods and excessive salt can dehydrate your skin and make it look puffy. It’s all about finding balance – you don’t have to give up your favorite treats, but moderation is key.

Take The Right Supplements

Supplements can be helpful if you’re not getting enough nutrients from your diet. Biotin, collagen, and vitamins A, C, and E are popular choices for supporting skin, hair, and nail health.

However, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. Or you can consult the following book to see what supplement is right for you: Dr Colbert’s Guide To Vitamins and Supplements by Don Colbert.

Remember, changes in your diet and hydration levels won’t show results overnight. Instead, consistency and self-discipline are crucial. Stick with healthy eating and proper hydration, and over time you’ll see improvements in your overall beauty.

The Importance of Mental and Emotional Well-being


20 things you need to know about beauty 6

Manage Your Stress

Your mental and emotional state has a significant impact on your appearance. For instance, stress is a big culprit when it comes to skin issues like acne, eczema, and even premature aging. Managing stress through activities like yoga, meditation, or even simple deep-breathing exercises can improve your overall well-being and, in turn, your skin.

Surround Yourself With The Right People

Having a strong support system can make a world of difference. Friends, family, or even a community group can provide emotional support, helping you navigate life’s ups and downs. Sometimes, just talking about what’s bothering you can alleviate stress and give you a fresh perspective.

Practice Self-Care and Mindfulness

Self-care isn’t just pampering; it’s essential for your mental health. Carve out time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a long bath, or going for a walk, these moments can recharge you and help you tackle daily challenges with a positive attitude.

Also, mindfulness practices like journaling can be beneficial. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can serve as an emotional release. Moreover, over time, you’ll notice patterns that can help you better manage your emotional health.

In my own case, I’ve started journaling during my teenage years, and I stopped during my career-woman years. Since I’ve started agin, it’s been so liberating! But you must face your greatest fears and your ugliest patterns. You must be true to yourself!

Sleep Tight!

Quality sleep is another pillar of mental and emotional well-being. Indeed, content lack of sleep can affect your mood, stress levels, and even how your skin looks. Consequently, you must aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establishing a bedtime routine and creating a restful environment can help you achieve better sleep quality.

Consistency in taking care of your mental and emotional health will reflect in your outer appearance. Indeed, happier and more relaxed individuals often have a natural glow that beauty products can’t replicate. Prioritize your inner well-being to shine from within.

The Future of Beauty: Innovations and Predictions


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Beauty and New Technologies

The beauty industry is always evolving, and staying updated on the latest innovations ensures you’re not left behind. New technologies are constantly being pioneered, revolutionizing the way we approach skincare, makeup, and hair care. For instance, AI-powered skin analysis tools are becoming more common, offering personalized skincare advice tailored to your specific needs.

Sustainable and Clean Beauty

Moreover, sustainable and clean beauty is another significant trend that’s here to stay. Indeed, consumers are more conscious about the environment and what they’re putting on their skin. This has led to a surge in brands that prioritize eco-friendly packaging, ethically sourced ingredients, and transparency in production processes. It’s a win-win for you and the planet!

Holistic Beauty and Wellness

We’re also seeing a rise in holistic beauty approaches that consider overall wellness. Actually, this is the approach of this blog as well!

Indeed, this trend doesn’t focus only on external appearance. But it also takes into account your internal health, mental well-being, and lifestyle. You must expect to see more products and treatments that aim to harmonize all these aspects for a balanced, beautiful you. I see this trend in beauty and wellness brands like Goop or Rituals.

Personalized Beauty

Personalized beauty is on the rise, thanks to advancements in biotechnology. Imagine skincare serums custom-made based on your DNA or hair treatments tailored to your specific hair type and condition. These personalized solutions promise to offer more effective and targeted results.

For instance, Cécred by Beyoncé offers you a quiz to personalize your hair routine and help you choose the right products for your hair needs.

Non-invasive cosmetic procedures

Innovations in non-invasive cosmetic procedures are making it easier to achieve desired looks without extensive downtime or surgery. Techniques like micro-needling, laser treatments, and injectable fillers are continually improving, offering safer and more natural-looking results.

Virtual try-on Technology

Virtual try-on technology is gaining traction, especially in the makeup industry. Apps that let you see how different products will look on you before you buy are becoming more sophisticated and accurate. Also, this tech not only enhances the shopping experience, but also reduces waste by helping you make better choices.

Personally, I’ve tried the Virtual Try-On Makeup Tool on L’Oreal Paris website when I wanted to choose my foundation. It’s truly amazing!

Staying informed about these trends ensures you make smarter beauty decisions. It’s an exciting time in the beauty world, and embracing these innovations can help you keep your routine fresh, effective, and aligned with your values.

Conclusion: 20 things you need to know about beauty


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In conclusion, we can say that beauty is influenced by cultural, psychological, and social norms. However, by mastering skincare, haircare, and wellness habits, you can take our beauty habits to the next level.

Also, you shouldn’t neglect your health habits as they have a huge influence on the way you look. Consequently, don’t forget to eat clean, and to get enough beauty sleep. Mindfulness and self-care can also help you achieve internal bliss that will show on your face!

Finally, staying updated on beauty trends can help you improve your beauty habits while adopting new caring habits for the planet.

Well, that’s it for today! What do you think of this list of 20 things you need to know about beauty? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Take care, lovelies!

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  1. I love that article! I didn’t know that getting enough sleep is really important for beauty! I know stress is the main issue for me. It can really affect how we feel and look. Taking care of ourselves by getting enough sleep and finding ways to manage stress is important for our beauty. It helps us all shine brighter and feel better.

    1. admin says:


  2. Maksim Verimeyev says:

    I really enjoyed reading this! It’s refreshing to see beauty talked about in such a well-rounded way, from skincare to mental well-being. I love that you included tips on keeping things simple and not feeling pressured by trends. The focus on self-care and inner beauty is such a great reminder. Thanks for sharing these insights – I’m definitely saving this for future reference!

    1. admin says:


  3. Amira says:

    I really enjoyed this list of beauty tips! There’s so much useful info here, especially about choosing the right products for different skin types. One thing I’ve always wondered is how often we should switch up our skincare routine—does sticking to the same products long-term have any downsides? Personally, I’ve noticed that my skin responds better when I simplify things, but I’d love to hear others and you have experienced. 

    1. admin says:

      I’m Good!

  4. Annastasia says:

    Hi there 

    Your article is an amazing read, I enjoyed going through your content. As a Skincare and Beauty enthusiast, I appreciate articles that are detailed and comprehensive for us to understand things about beauty, everything in moderation I guess. wow well done on this wonderful piece. 

    I like how you advise readers not to overdo it, I like that we need to know what works for our skin types, the food we eat, care we give to our overall health from head to toe. It’s super helpful and insightful. 


    1. admin says:

      Thanks Annastasia !

  5. Sariya says:

    Hey appreciate this post!
    It is quite amazing to see how cultural norms can change the way we see beauty. 

    I can agree with quite a few points you have mentioned here especially to not overdo it since it can actually mess up the skins natural balance. Keeping it simple as well as knowing what your skin likes is a good way to start!

    Thank you for all the tips, the hair section was extra useful for me as I am working on getting a nice smooth appearance.

    Thanks again and have a great day!

    1. admin says:

      You’re welcome !

  6. Walter says:

    I like this article because it educates on the awareness of society in what beauty is in different cultures. Self-awareness is important and a positive self-image can foster success and confidence. A low self-esteem can lead to friction and trouble. When we see ourselves in a positive light, we tend to be more productive. You mentioned all of this in your article, and it is very well laid out. Thank you.

    1. admin says:

      You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed this article!

  7. Clair says:

    Great read with heaps of tips. You have mentioned that lip gloss comes and goes with the seasonal trends but as much as I have tried to be a conservative lip balm girly I just can not do it!
    I can not help myself. 
    Nothing finishes off an outfit like reaching into your bag and smothering a nude lip in a cute glittery gloss.

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for sharing 😉

  8. Misty Outdoors says:

    These are great tips on things to know about beauty.  I have always struggled with keeping my complexion clear.  I was using too many products before. Like you stated, doing too much can have negative effects.  I live in AZ, so I definitely use sunscreen on my face every day. Do you have any recommendations for the best type of sunscreen to use?  And regarding make up, I find that over the years I am using less.  I agree that makeup should be used to enhance ones’ natural beauty rather than cover up.  There’s only so much that can be done to cover up fine lines and wrinkles.  🙂

    1. admin says:

      Thanks Misty !

  9. SteveD says:

    This article shares valuable insights into beauty, from the importance of skincare basics to understanding how our perceptions of beauty are shaped by culture and psychology. I love the advice on keeping routines simple and being mindful of ingredients for different skin types. The emphasis on holistic well-being, including mental health, is a great touch. Do you have any recommendations for sustainable beauty products that are also budget-friendly? Thanks for the fantastic tips!

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for your comment! I’ll handle your question in a dedicated article so stay tuned…

  10. Courtney says:

    Hi there!

    This was such an interesting read! I completely agree that beauty is more than just surface level—it’s fascinating how much cultural, psychological, and social factors shape our perception of beauty. Your point about symmetry being linked to evolutionary aspects really got me thinking about how much our brains are wired to respond to certain physical traits.

    I had a question, though. You mention how trends in beauty standards evolve over time—do you think social media is speeding up these changes, or is it just giving us more visibility into different global beauty trends? It’s crazy how fast some trends seem to come and go, but they always make such an impact.

    I also love your focus on holistic beauty and the growing trend of sustainable and clean beauty products. I’ve been trying to be more mindful of what I use on my skin and how it affects the environment. It’s such a shift from the heavily marketed products I grew up seeing. Have you found any clean beauty brands that really stand out?

    Thanks again for the insightful post. It’s always refreshing to see a more well-rounded discussion on beauty!

    Take care,Courtney

    1. admin says:

      Thanks Courtney!

  11. Jonelle says:

    This is such a comprehensive and insightful take on beauty! I love how it goes beyond just skincare and makeup, touching on the psychological, cultural, and even environmental aspects of beauty. The emphasis on skincare basics and the importance of understanding your unique skin type is spot on—it’s something that’s often overlooked. I also appreciate how you included the role of nutrition and mental health in overall beauty.

    What are your thoughts on balancing new beauty trends, like virtual try-on technology, with more traditional beauty routines? It seems like a fascinating mix of innovation and timeless practices!

    1. admin says:

      That’s a nice idea!

  12. Roopesh says:

    This was such an insightful read! I love how you touched on the connection between psychology and beauty—especially the role of symmetry and how our brains naturally respond to it. It really makes me wonder how much of our perception is innate vs. influenced by cultural factors.

    Speaking of which, the cultural variation in beauty standards is fascinating! Do you think the rapid rise of social media has made beauty ideals more uniform globally, or are we still holding onto those cultural differences?

    I also couldn’t agree more with the idea that confidence and self-care can boost how we feel about our appearance. Do you have any personal tips for balancing external beauty routines with maintaining mental and emotional well-being?

    Thanks for sharing this! Looking forward to more discussions on this topic.

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for your comment ! Yes, I think that social media has contributed to the rise of more global beauty standards. And yes, I do have tips to include more mindfulness in beauty routine. So stay tuned !

  13. Msamawi says:


    This article beautifully unpacks how beauty is shaped by psychological, cultural, and social factors. It’s amazing to think that symmetry in faces, which many find attractive, is rooted in evolutionary biology! It’s also inspiring to see how diverse beauty standards are across the globe, evolving through media and traditions. And let’s not forget how self-care and inner well-being shine through our outer appearance! Do you think global beauty standards will become more inclusive, or will specific ideals continue to dominate? 

    1. admin says:

      Beauty standards will be more inclusive in the future. That’s my opinion…

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