Hello lovelies! Winter is the season of Christmas, presents, and hot chocolate near the chimney. However, it’s also a quite difficult season for your hair. Indeed, depending on your hair texture, the cold can make your hair rougher and brittle. As hair is an extension of ourselves, it deserves protection like our bodies and our …
10 Beauty Secrets From Ancient Egypt
Hello lovelies! If I tell you about Ancient Egypt, you’d probably think about the pyramids, pharaohs and beautiful queens. In a few words, you’d tell me that it’s the cradle of civilization. And you’ll be right. But did you know that Ancient Egyptians were the ultimate beauty addicts? Indeed, Ancient Egyptians were deeply inclined towards …
9 Effective Ways To Detoxify Your Body Naturally
Hello lovelies! During the holidays, you must have eaten everything you wanted. And I bet you forgot your usual diet during these times. But now that the holidays are over, you must be afraid to get on the scale. Why? Because you must pay the consequences of your Christmas and New Year’s Eve excesses! Fortunately, …
8 Bad Skincare Habits To Ditch in 2023
Hello lovelies! I bet you religiously follow a healthy skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. However, with the rise of social media, it seems that we have a daily new viral skincare trend…for better or for worse. Indeed, not every trend is good for you. You must remember that keeping a healthy skincare …