diane de poitiers beauty secrets 1
Beauty in history

Diane de Poitiers’ Beauty Secrets

Hello lovelies!

Have you taken new beauty and fitness resolutions for this year? Then, you’ll be inspired by the person I’m going to introduce in this article.

Indeed, that woman was the epitome of beauty and grace during her lifetime. Adored by a king, hated by her rivals, she never let anybody indifferent. Have you guessed who that woman can be?

It’s Diane de Poitiers! As one of the most famous French royal mistress, Diane de Poitiers is astonishingly modern. For instance, this can be seen in her beauty routine that you can reproduce in your own life. Without further ado, let me tell you everything about Diane de Poitiers’ beauty secrets!

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Who is Diane de Poitiers?


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Birth and family

Diane de Poitiers was born in 1499 or 1500 in the South of France in an aristocratic family. When she was 15, she married Louis de Brézé, grandson of King of France Charles VIII and his mistress Agnes Sorel. She had two daughters and had a beautiful relationship with her husband.

Because of her marriage connections and her aristocratic lineage, she was maid of honor to Queen Claude of France. Later, she became the governess of the princes, including Henry, Duke of Orleans. That prince would become King Henry II of France.

Henry II’s lover

Initially, King Francis I hired Diane de Poitiers to teach him courtly manners. However, they ended having a passionate love affair which lasted 20 years. Only a fatal joust accident taking King Henry II’s life would end this unusual love affair.

Despite the fact she was 20 years her senior, she was considered as Henry’s true wife. Thus, she surpassed the official wife, Queen Catherine de Medici, in the king’s affections. At the French Court, courtiers even nicknamed Diane de Poitiers « la plus que reine » (more than queen). King Henry II even gave her the Crown’s jewels, which were only reserved to the queen.

Her life at the French Court

She was an art lover whose beauty and prestige inspired many poets of her time. Therefore, the artists under her patronage celebrated her beauty in poetry and paintings. Moreover, she identified herself with Diana, the Latin goddess of hunt, moon, nature, and chastity. For this last one, it’s ironic, given that she was a royal mistress!

Also, Diane de Poitiers had an incredible influence over the king, even in politics. For example, her royal lover would always ask for her opinion before taking a decision. Moreover, she kept up an abundant correspondence with many world leaders of the Renaissance era, including the pope.

Her final days

After King Henry’s death, she apologized to Queen Catherine de’ Medici and returned the Crown’s jewels to her. Then, she retired in her castle in Anet, in the Loire Valley. She died there, aged 66.

Diane de Poitiers’ physical appearance


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Diane was the ultimate representation of beauty during the Renaissance era. She was blond, tall, had regular features and was slender. A French poet named Brantome even said that she also appeared to be unaffected by aging. Indeed, she was still extremely beautiful in her 60s.

In addition, Diane de Poitiers embodied the perfect female beauty of the Renaissance era. Indeed, she had all the physical criteria appreciated during that period:

  • blond hair
  • dark eyes
  • pearly skin
  • ruddy cheeks and lips
  • small and firm breasts
  • slim waist and legs

Diane de Poitiers’ beauty secrets


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Contrary to many women of her era, Diane did not rely on mainstream cosmetics that she considered dangerous for her health. For instance, she would avoid make-up like plague. And she was right! Why?

Because during the Renaissance era, cosmetics were made with toxic elements such as lead and mercury. She religiously listened to the advice of her physician Ambroise Paré and led a healthy and active lifestyle.

She woke up as early as 6 am, prayed, and took cold baths whatever the season. Then, she would have a light breakfast made of broth and eggs, and went horse riding during three hours. Afterwards, she took a nap until 11 am. There, she would take care of her business and her estate until the sunset.

She ate light and balanced meals, avoided alcohol and went to bed early at 8 pm! She also enjoyed running and hunting. Moreover, she would preserve her skin from sun burns by wearing a mask when she exercised outdoors.

Nevertheless, she had a dirty secret habit that would be her doom: she drank liquid gold. I’ll explain it in more details below in the beauty trivia.

Beauty trivia about Diane de Poitiers


diane de poitiers beauty secrets liquid gold



Actually, Diane’s top beauty secret was her consumption of liquid gold. Because of its color, gold was believed by alchemists to provide eternal youth and improve sex drive. In those days, many pharmacists would put a golden object (a jewel, for instance) in a glass of water. Then, they would tell their gullible patients/clients to drink it to get the essence of gold within their body.

However, Diane had serious advisors who provided her with true liquid gold, and that was her doom. As we already know, she always had a perfect complexion and appeared beautiful at an advanced age.

However, the French doctors who studied her skeleton have found out that gold caused serious damage all over her body. Indeed, her hair was brittle, her bones were fragile, she was quite skinny and had serious anemia.

Well, you can tell that Diane died because of her constant desire of eternal youth…

What we can learn about Diane de Poitiers


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Apart from drinking gold, Diane de Poitiers was quite modern and no-nonsense concerning her life choices. She shows us that you can remain young when you start having healthy habits in your youth. And if you remain consistent with them, your face nd body will thank you in then long run!

If you want to follow Diane’s footsteps, here are some tips for you:

  • Have a regular spiritual practice – it’s good for our inner beauty and peace
  • Pick up a sport you like and practice it regularly
  • Alternate between hot water and cold water when taking a shower (I wouldn’t recommend cold bath during winter, I am not inhumane!)
  • Put sunscreen on your face and hands to protect your skin from sun damage
  • Have light and balanced meals with vegetable, fruits, lean proteins, whole cereals, healthy fats
  • Avoid unnecessary foods in your diet such as refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods
  • Get our beauty sleep – at least 8 hours (Diane slept 10 hours!)
  • Use gold only with creams and facials if you wish, but never drink it!

Learn more about Diane de Poitiers

If you want to go deeper on Diane de Poitiers, I recommend the following book:

The Serpent and the Moon: Two Rivals for the Love of a Renaissance King

By Princess Michael of Kent

Well, that’s it for today! What do you think of Diane de Poitiers’ beauty secrets? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!

Take care, lovelies!

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  1. Veron Campbell says:

    Hi Elodie:

    This is an interesting read about Diane de Poitier. What I found the most value in are your beauty tips toward the end: 1. Have a regular spiritual practice – it’s good for our inner beauty and peace
    2. Pick up a sport you like and practice it regularly
    3. Alternate between hot water and cold water when taking a shower (I wouldn’t recommend cold bath during winter, I am not inhumane!)
    4. Put sunscreen on your face and hands to protect your skin from sun damage
    5. Have light and balanced meals with vegetable, fruits, lean proteins, whole cereals, healthy fats
    6. Avoid unnecessary foods in your diet such as refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods
    7. Get our beauty sleep – at least 8 hours (Diane slept 10 hours!)
    8. Use gold only with creams and facials if you wish, but never drink it! These are practical reminders. 

    Thank you.


    1. admin says:

      thanks veron8

  2. Dirk says:

    I really like this article. I must say, your creative approach to blending historical narratives with modern trends is commendable. The section on Diane’s adoption of cold baths particularly caught my attention, as it resonates with the current enthusiasm around the ‘Iceman’ and similar practices.

    As a regular practitioner of cold showers myself, I found this historical connection both intriguing and personally relevant.Your article skillfully bridges the past and present, making history relatable and engaging.

    Thanks for such an insightful read! I hope to read more historical insightful yet trendy health tips!

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for your comment!

  3. Corey says:

    Wow, this article about Diane de Poitiers’ beauty secrets was truly fascinating! It’s incredible to think how beauty routines have evolved over the centuries. I’m curious, were there any particular ingredients or practices she used that are still popular in today’s skincare routines? It would be interesting to see the continuity and changes in beauty trends over time!

    1. admin says:

      Hello thanks for your comment! I don’t think that Diane de Poitiers used ingredients that would be still here today. However, her fitness routine certainly is…

  4. Ryan says:

    A totally fascinating article, I am a big fan of history and bios. This was a fantastic read about someone I previously had not heard of, so I have learned something today too And who would have thought someone actually drank liquid gold regularly if at all? 

    I really like how you have been able to modernize her routine for today, although having read through, she was ahead of her time anyway.

    The way the article is presented makes it very easy to read through and enjoy. Great post!

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for your comment!

  5. michioni86 says:

    Hi, I found this article very interesting and those are great tips too and I strongly agree with this tip “Avoid unnecessary foods in your diet such as refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods” because while you are trying to stay beautiful you also have to think about your health too, it’s a great combo


    1. admin says:

      Thanks !

  6. Diane de Poitiers’ beauty secrets offer a fascinating glimpse into the lifestyle choices of a woman ahead of her time. The article not only provides a historical account of her life as a royal mistress but also delves into the physical attributes that made her an epitome of beauty during the Renaissance era.

    The meticulous description of Diane’s beauty routine, from her early morning habits to her dietary preferences, emphasizes the importance of holistic well-being. Her avoidance of mainstream cosmetics, considering them harmful, and reliance on a healthy and active lifestyle reflect a thoughtful approach to beauty. Well done

    1. admin says:


  7. Hi there!

    Thank you for this fascinating post about Diane de Poitiers and her beauty secrets. 

    It’s intriguing to learn how she maintained her beauty into her 50s, especially considering the limited resources available during her time.

    I wonder how much of her regimen was common knowledge at the time, and how much was unique to her.

    Best wishes,


    1. admin says:

      Hello, thanks for your comment ! Her regimen was unique in her lifetime because she had a holistic way of life compared to her fellow noblewomen…

  8. Starlight says:

    Your article on Diane de Poitiers’ beauty secrets is fascinating, providing a glimpse into the life of this remarkable historical figure. The detailed account of her daily routine, lifestyle choices and her infamous use of liquid gold adds a unique touch to the narrative.

    The inclusion of beauty trivia, such as her avoidance of mainstream cosmetics due to their toxicity during the Renaissance era, offers valuable insights. The tips at the end, drawing lessons from Diane’s lifestyle, make the article not only informative but also actionable for readers interested in incorporating some of her practices.

    Thank you for sharing such a thought provoking post. I look forward to seeing more.

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for your comment !

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