Hello lovelies! For some of us, summer means sea, sex, and sun. This implies that you need to look extra fabulous during this season as well! Unfortunately, summer also brings the most startling reality to many of us. Indeed, the hot weather can induce clogged pores, excessive sweat, sunburns, and dark spots. If you don’t …
7 Beauty Travel Essentials You’ll Need Every Summer
Hello lovelies! So, you’ll finally travel this summer? Great! Are you going to the beach or the mountains? Will you visit a city or relax in the countryside? Whatever your vacation projects are, you’ll need to always take care of your skin. Indeed, going in vacation in exotic places (or not) doesn’t mean you should …
5 Habits of People With Great Skin
Hello lovelies! Some people seem to struggle to have great skin, while some seem to be born with it. Isn’t life unfair? Indeed, every time we open a magazine or we scroll across social media, we see women with great skin all around. And if you are in a position where you’re not comfortable in …
8 Bad Skincare Habits To Ditch in 2023
Hello lovelies! I bet you religiously follow a healthy skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. However, with the rise of social media, it seems that we have a daily new viral skincare trend…for better or for worse. Indeed, not every trend is good for you. You must remember that keeping a healthy skincare …