ancient rome beauty secrets 6

All The Beauty Secrets From Ancient Rome Exposed

Hello lovelies! As you all know, Ancient Egyptians invented the concept of cosmetics as we know it. But Ancient Romans took it to another level. Indeed, since the creation of the Roman Empire, Ancient Romans constantly got inspiration from conquered people for their beauty rituals. And these ancient beauty secrets included many rituals that were …

ancient greek beauty secrets 3

8 Surprising Ancient Greek Beauty Secrets

Hello lovelies! Ancient Greece is famous for its many inventions, its philosophers, its fascinating mythology, and its fabulous buildings. But did you know that Ancient Greece was also a society where beauty was a top quality to have? And that’s not so surprising since they invented the gold number for beauty… Whether you watch statues …

ancient egypt beauty secrets

10 Beauty Secrets From Ancient Egypt

Hello lovelies! If I tell you about Ancient Egypt, you’d probably think about the pyramids, pharaohs and beautiful queens. In a few words, you’d tell me that it’s the cradle of civilization. And you’ll be right. But did you know that Ancient Egyptians were the ultimate beauty addicts? Indeed, Ancient Egyptians were deeply inclined towards …