Hello lovelies! I bet you’ve already consulted TikTok or Instagram to get some skincare advice. And if that’s your case, don’t worry or be ashamed. You’re not alone! Indeed, the rise of social media such as TikTok or Instagram has enabled many beauty influencers to be spokespeople for brands. Moreover, social media has democratized the …
Understanding And Managing Sensitive Skin
Hello lovelies! Do you have sensitive skin? Then, you should know that sensitive skin is a common dermatological condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Indeed, according to the National Institute of Health, 60-70% of women and 50-60% of men have some degree of sensitive skin. However, the degree of sensitivity varies depending of the populations …
Understanding The Aging Process Of The Skin
Hello lovelies! Did you know that your skin is your body’s largest organ? Indeed, it serves as a protective barrier against the environment. Also, your skin regulates temperature and provides sensory information about your environment. However, as you age, your skin undergoes various changes affecting its appearance and functionality. Consequently, understanding the aging process of …
Exploring The World Of Vitamin C In Skincare
Have you ever dreamed of an eternally youthful and glowing skin? If that’s your case, then I have good news for you. Actually, there’s a magical vitamin that can help you achieve the skin you see in your wildest dreams. And that’s vitamin C. Vitamin C is generally known as a stimulant of the immune …
5 Tips For Choosing The Right Moisturizer
Hello lovelies! Moisturizing your skin is essential to have a glowy and youthful skin. However, with all the brands existing on the market today, we may all feel overwhelmed and choose a moisturizer that’s not adapted for your needs. Are you in this case? Then, I have good news: choosing the right moisturizer shouldn’t be …