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7 Habits To Treat Yourself With Love

Hello lovelies!

Today, I have a question for you: what have you done for yourself lately?

In a world that often celebrates busyness and self-sacrifice, it can be easy to neglect the most important relationship you have. And that’s the one with yourself.

Indeed, self-love isn’t about being selfish or self-indulgent. Instead, it’s about honoring your own worth and caring for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Also, treating yourself with love can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. For instance, it can improve your relationships with others, and enhance your resilience in the face of life’s challenges. In this article, I’ll share seven powerful habits to help you treat yourself with love every day.

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Habit #1: Practice Mindful Self-Compassion


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Mindful self-compassion is the foundation of self-love. It consists of being kind to yourself, especially when you’re going through tough times or when you feel like you’ve made a mistake.

Many people tend to be their own harshest critics, speaking to themselves in ways they’d never speak to others. And I’m part of these people myself because I’m extremely demanding with myself!

If you’re in this case, slow down and think! Actually, self-compassion is about treating yourself with the same care and understanding that you would offer a close friend.

Below are some tips to cultivate mindful self-compassion.

Acknowledge your pain or discomfort

Do this without judgment. It’s okay to feel sad, anxious, or frustrated.

Speak kindly to yourself

Don’t beat yourself up for your perceived flaws or failures. Instead, practice phrases like “It’s okay, I’m doing my best” or “I deserve to be treated with kindness, even by myself.”

Practice mindfulness

Stay present with your emotions without letting them overwhelm you.

Prating self-compassion allows you to become more aware of your internal dialogue. Also, it will gradually transform self-critical thoughts into compassionate and supportive ones. This is something I tested and approved!

Habit #2: Set Healthy Boundaries


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Loving yourself means protecting your energy, time, and mental space. Healthy boundaries allow you to engage in relationships and activities in a way that respects your own needs.

Indeed, without boundaries, you may find yourself overextended and stressed. Or you may even resentful of the people and tasks that are demanding too much from you.

Do you want to set healthy boundaries? Here are some tips below.

Identify your limits

Pay attention to situations where you feel uncomfortable, anxious, or drained. These feelings are often signals that you need to set a boundary.

Communicate clearly about your needs

Whether with friends, family, or colleagues, it’s important to express your boundaries in a direct and respectful way. For example, you can say:

“I can’t take on any more projects right now”

“I need some time to myself this weekend.”

Learn to say no

Saying no is an act of self-love. Indeed, it enables you to prioritize your well-being and avoid burnout.

Remember, boundaries are not walls to keep people out! Rather, they are guidelines that help protect your emotional and mental health.

But this doesn’t mean you should isolate and not make meaningful connections with others. You still can!

Habit #3: Prioritize Self-Care


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Self-care is often misunderstood as a luxury or indulgence. However, it’s an essential aspect of treating yourself with love.

Indeed, taking time for yourself is not selfish! Actually, it’s necessary for your overall well-being. Self-care can come in many forms – from physical to emotional. The key is to find what nurtures and restores you.

Below are some ways to practice self-care in your daily routine.

Physical self-care

Engage in regular exercise. Get enough sleep. Nourish your body with healthy foods. Take time to relax and unwind, whether that’s through a warm bath, yoga, or a good book.

Emotional self-care

You can journal. Or talk to a therapist. You can even simply taking a break when you’re feeling overwhelmed. All these habits can help you process emotions in a healthy way.

Spiritual self-care

Do you find comfort in spirituality, meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature? That’s good news! Indeed, these habits can deepen your sense of connection to something greater than yourself. Don’t hesitate to include them in your daily routine!

Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated. Even small acts of kindness toward yourself can significantly boost your sense of well-being. Don’t hesitate to set aside 10 minutes for relaxation or to enjoy your favorite hobby.

Habit #4: Engage in Positive Self-Talk


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The way you talk to yourself can shape your self-image and self-worth. If you’re constantly engaging in negative self-talk, you’re reinforcing limiting beliefs about yourself. To treat yourself with love, it’s important to cultivate a habit of positive self-talk.

Here are some tips to help you engage in more positive self-talk.

Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations

This is my favorite self-care habit! When you catch yourself thinking something like “I’m not good enough,” reframe it with a positive affirmation such as “I am capable and worthy.”

Challenge self-critical thoughts

Ask yourself, “Would I say this to a friend?” Often, the things we say to ourselves are harsher than anything we’d say to someone we care about. Treat yourself with the same kindness.

Practice gratitude everyday

Focusing on the things you’re grateful for, especially about yourself, can shift your mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance. Make it a habit to write down three things you appreciate about yourself every day in your journal.

Positive self-talk can help you develop a healthier, more compassionate inner dialogue. Moreover, it can increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Habit #5: Celebrate Your Accomplishments

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Do you tend to downplay your successes or brush off your achievements as insignificant? Well, you must change your tune right now! Indeed, this tendency can be a result of perfectionism or a belief that you’re never doing “enough.”

But taking the time to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small, is a vital part of self-love.

Hare are some tips to help you celebrate your achievements.

Keep a success journal

Write down your accomplishments, no matter how minor they may seem. This practice helps you acknowledge your progress and builds a sense of self-worth.

Share your wins with your loved ones

Don’t be afraid to tell your loved ones about something you’re proud of. They can offer support and help you celebrate.

Reward yourself

It’s okay to give yourself a treat or take time to relax after you’ve completed a task or achieved a goal. Celebrating yourself fosters a positive cycle of motivation and self-acknowledgment.

For instance, I enjoy going to the spa or having a nice restaurant meal to reward myself. Choose the kind of reward that suits you!

By making a habit of celebrating your achievements, you reinforce the idea that you are worthy of praise and recognition—even from yourself.

Habit #5: Surround Yourself with Positive Influences


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One day, my mother told me that we’re all the result of the five people we spend the most time with. Indeed, the people you surround yourself with have a significant impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

If you’re constantly around negative or toxic people, then it can be difficult to maintain a sense of self-love. However, when you’re surrounded by supportive, uplifting individuals, treating yourself with kindness and respect will become easier.

Here are some tips to cultivate positive influences.

Evaluate all your relationships

Take note of how you feel after spending time with certain people. Do they lift you up, or do they drain your energy? Then, start being more selective on your entourage.

Seek out positive, supportive people

Whether it’s friends, family, or colleagues, surround yourself with those who encourage and support your growth.

Limit contact with toxic individuals

Usually, this is the more difficult tip, especially for your toxic family members. Do you have people in your life who consistently bring negativity to you? Then, it might be necessary to set boundaries or distance yourself from them.

In addition to people, consider the media you consume. Indeed, social media, television, and books can all influence your mindset. Surrounding yourself with positive content can also contribute to a more loving relationship with yourself.

Habit #7: Practice Forgiveness—Especially Toward Yourself


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Holding onto guilt, shame, or regret can weigh heavily on your sense of self-worth. Treating yourself with love means practicing forgiveness, not only toward others but also toward yourself.

Indeed, nobody’s perfect! Everyone makes mistakes. Therefore, learning to forgive yourself for past mistakes or perceived shortcomings is a crucial step in self-love.

Here are some tips to practice self-forgiveness in your daily routine.

Acknowledge your mistakes

Accept that you’ve made an error without letting it define you. Mistakes are part of being human.

Take responsibility

If necessary, make amends or learn from the situation. But you must absolutely resist the urge to dwell on it!

Let go!

Holding onto guilt or shame only harms you in the long run. Instead, choose to let go and move forward. You must focus on the lessons you learned rather than the mistake itself.

Forgiving yourself frees you from the burden of perfectionism and allows you to embrace self-compassion and love. Moreover, it’s a transformative habit that enables you to grow and move forward with a lighter heart.

My recommendation

One of the books that really helped me in my journey towards self-love is the following:

Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit by Queen Afua

This book has an African spirituality perspective, but it’s been very comforting and healing for me. And every woman can follow these steps as well. I hope this will also be the case for you!

Conclusion: Your Journey To Treat Yourself With Love


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Self-love isn’t an overnight achievement. Actually, it’s a continuous practice of treating yourself with kindness, respect, and compassion. By cultivating these above mentioned seven habits, you can create a strong foundation of self-love that will enhance every area of your life.

When you treat yourself with love, you’re not only benefiting your own well-being. Indeed, you’re also able to show up as your best self for those around you. Consequently, I encourage you to start today by embracing these habits. Then, watch how your relationship with yourself—and others—transforms!

Well, that’s it for today! What do you think about these seven habits to treat yourself with love? What are the habits you are currently practicing in your daily routine. Feel free to share your experience in the comments below!

Take care, lovelies!

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  1. Catherine Ford says:

    This article brought tears to my eyes. I am a grandmother, and my generation took time to generate self-love. Bit like the oxygen mask in a plane, put your own on before you help anyone else. Women are nurturers, and as such, they can’t run on empty themselves. All of those t habits to treat yourself with love are all super important. However my one piece of advice I would give to someone younger would be treat yourself with compassion

    1. admin says:

      Yes indeed Catherine ! Thank you for your Sweet comment !

  2. Nikki says:

    Absolutely true. Looking after No1 is key to maintaining positive mindfullness. Maintaining positive self esteem is a must and this approach is fundamental to your wellbeing. Surrounding yourself with positive individuals will not help you progress but give you a sense of warmth. The ideas alluded to here are not only necessary but should be etched into your memory. Thank you for highlighting 

    1. admin says:

      You’re welcome Nikki!

  3. Thank you for sharing these great tips! In today’s fast-paced and overwhelming digital world, it’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Your advice about being kind to ourselves, setting limits, and making time for self-care is really important. I like how you talked about being around positive people.  It can make a big difference! I’m looking forward to using these ideas every day.

    1. admin says:

      Thanks AJ!

  4. Mark Horwitz says:

    I agree with you that in today’s world it is easy to get so caught up in the daily grind as to neglect taking care of the most important person, yourself.  That does not mean that one should be selfish, but rather it is a recognition that in order to be for others, one must be for oneself first.  I am sure that the 7 habits that you describe will help others to recenter themselves to be able to take care of themselves to be more grounded and balanced, which will lead to better self confidence, better self awareness, better self care, and also better care or others.  Thank you for your thoughtful article.

    1. You’re welcome!

  5. amalthe says:

    I really enjoyed reading this article and found the seven habits you’ve outlined to be insightful and practical. However, I do have a couple of questions about incorporating these habits into daily life. For instance, when it comes to practicing mindful self-compassion, how do you recommend someone stay consistent in moments of high stress or overwhelm? Additionally, regarding setting healthy boundaries, what advice do you have for those who may struggle with guilt or fear of disappointing others when they say “no”? I’d love to hear your thoughts on how to overcome these barriers while still fostering self-love. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful and empowering piece!

    1. admin says:

      Hello thanks for your comment. First of all, never be afraid to say no because those who do bother you don’t feel any shame or guilt. And if you feel stressed or overwhelmed, start by taking baby steps. Hope that this helps.

  6. Kavitha says:

    I love how you’ve highlighted the importance of self-love as a daily practice, not just a luxury! Your point about mindful self-compassion really resonated with me. It’s true that so many of us are kinder to others than we are to ourselves. I’ve been trying to flip that narrative in my own life, especially when I make mistakes. Speaking kindly to myself is still a work in progress, but it’s been incredibly freeing.

    Setting boundaries has also been a game-changer for me. I used to say ‘yes’ to everything, feeling guilty for putting my needs first. Now, I realize how essential it is to protect my energy, and I’ve learned that it’s okay to say no without guilt.

    One habit I’ve recently added to my self-care routine is celebrating even the smallest wins. I loved your tip about keeping a success journal—I think I’ll start that! It’s a beautiful way to remind myself that progress, no matter how small, is worth celebrating.

    Thank you for sharing these powerful habits! They’re simple yet impactful, and I’m sure they’ll inspire many to prioritize their well-being. I’m curious, what’s been the most transformative habit for you in your self-love journey?”

    1. admin says:

      Thanks for sharing Kavitha ! I think my most transformative habit was saying affirmations everyday…

  7. I’m one who is hard on myself in many different ways.  The habits you’ve outlined are incredibly helpful for a better piece of mind.  Although your article in centered more towards women, men can certainly benefit from these mental exercises as well.  Sometimes you need to be reminded to redirect some of your thoughts.  I especially appreciate the advice to treat yourself as you would a close friend or loved one.  Celebrating accomplishments big and small really helps reaffirm to yourself that you are making strides and gains and should not be overlooked.  Thank you for your great insights!

    1. admin says:

      You’re welcome Mike !

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